Mo.Dept of Agriculture Lic. No AC0001FJ
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Reservations forms for training or boarding are available via Email upon request. Send an email to us with your name, dog's name, along with dates and we will email you the needed forms. Do not send completed forms via email. Print, fill out, and bring them with you at drop off time.
*Note- Any dog being brought across state line into Missouri will need a Certificate of Veterinary Small Animal Inspection, in addition to current vaccination records.
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Boarding Requirements

                                                Current vaccination records must accompany your dog.

      If you are coming in from outside of Missouri, you will need a Veterinarian's health certificate in addition to shot records.


Canine Vaccinations:

Required vaccinations:  The following vaccinations should be administered annually.

Bordetella*, (combination vaccine for Distemper, Hepatitis, Para influenza, Parvovirus), and Rabies (if you use 3 yr. rabies vaccinations, it needs to be noted on shot record.)

* NOTE: If you do not normally vaccinate your dog annually for Bordetella (kennel cough), you must request the Bordetella vaccination in addition to the regular vaccines you receive from your vet. We recomend intramusculer vaccinations for Bordetella. It must be given 14 days prior to arrival if given intranasal. It has been shown to have an affect on nasal linings and scenting ability of hunting dogs for up to 2 weeks.  Bordetella vaccinations are good for one year.

* Canine vaccination effectiveness - If you dog is not currently up to date on vaccinations, we recommend that vaccinations be administered at least 1 week prior to boarding; as the vaccine is not fully effective immediately.

* Please present proof of your dog's annual vaccinations upon arrival, or mail in with your reservation forms and deposit.

(A signed certificate is available from your veterinarian upon request; which can be emailed or faxed to us if you have misplaced your current copy)

Frequently Asked Questions


   We feed a high-quality, premium feed that may be higher in fat and protein for your particular breed or size of dog. There is always a chance of stomach upset when changing any brand of food. If you wish your dog to be fed your own brand of dog food, instead of our feed, please bring the appropriate amount of your food in a container with a close-able lid . Dog food sacks are not approved by Mo. Dept of Ag. Your food container should be clearly labeled with your dog's name and amount to feed .

Dog foods should have at least an 18 percent fat content due to the increased exercise while training field or water dogs.

                    * Mo. Dept. of Ag. regulations do not approve of opened sacks of dog food in  the kennel area.

                    * Any special dog food or medication instructions should be taped to the top of the container.

                    * Treats are allowed, and should be brought in a plastic bag, plastic tub, or other similar container.

                    * You may bring a blanket or a bed to make your dog feel more at  home if you wish.


You may bring toys for your dog  to play with, as long as they are over 3 in. in diameter, and relatively indestructible . Any toys under three inches may slide under your dogs pen and end up in the drain, causing the loss of your toy, and a blockage of the drain. Please use a permanent marker to identify your dog's toys and bedding.

There is no guarantee that your dog's toy will be returned in the same condition, or at all.

Medication Instructions

   Medications, whether refrigerated or not, should be in a clearly marked container, envelope,  gallon plastic bag, etc. with pets name, dosage, frequency, etc.   Do not rely on kennel to read each prescription label , as some labels and instructions are difficult to interpret. Dogs that require daily or multiple doses of medication will be classed as Hard to Keep due to the increased time for pill preparation, pill hiding food, kennel help instruction, and recording required by Dept of Ag. Giving your dogs meds by you at the end of a normal visit is preffered.


Treats such as dog biscuits (small size is preferred), rawhide chews, pig ears etc. should be brought in a magic marker- labeled , plastic bag, plastic tub, etc., to insure that your dog gets the correct type of treat. Daily treat allowances should be included on the label. If you bring enough extra treats to share with your dogs next door neighbors, jealousy barking will be kept to a minimum.

Beds and blankets

You may bring a blanket or bed for your dog if you feel it will make your dog feel more at ease in an unfamiliar, temporary, environment. Be aware, however, that although efforts are made to keep bedding dry during kennel cleaning, your dog may track moisture onto bedding from wet floors or water buckets, and therefore may acquire  a distinct "kennel aroma" to enjoy on your way home. Also, bedding has a habit of being chewed or torn, with the contents being distributed about the kennel by nervous boarders.  No guarantee is made that your bed or blanket will be returned in the same condition as it was brought in. If a dog should rip stuffing out of its bed, which may cause a drain clogging problem, or an  ingestion problem, the bed may have to be removed for safety reasons.

We use wooden sleep boards, as well as 1 inch thick rubber equestrian stall pads, so there is, however, no real need to bring blankets or beds.

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